The Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili (CNDCEC) is a public entity acting under the supervision of the Italian Ministry of Justice, established and regulated by the Ministerial decree, D.lgs n. 139 of 28 June 2005. CNDCEC comprises 21 members appointed among registered professionals and has the Institutional representation of the accounting profession, both at national and international level. Its task is to safeguard registered members and the public interests related to the professional activity.

Among CNDCEC's main functions: relationship with the public institutions and administrations involved with the accounting profession; advisory activity on relevant draft laws and regulations; adoption and updating of the Professional Code of conduct; disciplinary function at territorial and national level; oversight and coordination of local professional bodies, 132 all over the country; enactment of professional regulations; participation, through its appointed representatives, to the national and international standard-setting process involving accounting, auditing, independence, business valuations; development and adoption, subject to the approval of the Ministry of Justice, of: electoral rules, procedures for the resolution of appeals, and any other regulation on matters falling within its competences; assessment and approval of the CPD programs and courses designed by the local bodies; maintenance of the national professional roll of Dottori Commercialisti and Esperti Contabili.